Leil Koch Leil Koch

Engineering REALTOR® Sustainability

Serving as a Director of the largest global real estate trade association is humbling. I know that. So much to do, and so little time. In fact, in a few short months, you will be asked to vote for the next NAR 2024 First Vice President, which ultimately sets the stage for how we spend and allocate our members’ dues dollars and the direction we take over the next five years.

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Leil Koch Leil Koch

Encouragement for 2023 

Happy New Year! The start of a new year can be daunting—especially when we leave behind a difficult season and look ahead to an equally challenging marketplace. Oftentimes, we get bogged down when we can't see a clear path to what is next.

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Leil Koch Leil Koch

Innovation Without People is Impossible

Just last week I was asked to take part in the National Association of REALTORS® fourth annual "Pitch Battle" competition at the 2022 Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit.

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Leil Koch Leil Koch

A Leader is Only as Powerful as their Team and Supporters

Let’s face it: we all admire leaders but too often we forget the fact that teams and followers, working hand-in-hand, are a crucial part of producing results and advancing organizations forward.

by Leil Koch, Eligible Candidate for NAR 2024 First Vice President

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