Innovation Without People is Impossible

Just last week I was asked to take part in the National Association of REALTORS® fourth annual "Pitch Battle" competition at the 2022 Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit. Revive earned the top spot while the crowd favorite award went to Stake. I had the pleasure of connecting with the executives of both organizations who are led by dedicated, talented professionals who leverage their process and technology expertise to deliver innovative products and services that will impact our members and consumers alike.

Like the iOi Summit bears out, innovation without the collective minds of the people behind them is merely the application of hardware or software. It's the views and life experiences of entrepreneurs collaborating on development that is paramount for delivering to market services and products that influence and change attitudes and perceptions.

This is an exciting and decisive time for our REALTOR® Association on all three levels, but we can (and must) overcome the many challenges that face us today, and tomorrow. Innovation will be a driving force to ensure our future relevance as the global voice for real estate, and it is one of my campaign's four pillars (Advocacy, Inclusion and Service) as an Eligible Candidate for NAR First Vice President 2024.

With 40+ years as a commercial and residential practitioner, and proud owner of Equity One Real Estate, Inc and PueoKea Farms, entrepreneurialism is my 'why' and a positive mindset, commitment and passion for collaborative innovation helps bring results-oriented change to my life's work to protect the land (mālama ka 'aina) and to help advance the REALTOR® Association forward.

I humbly ask for your endorsement today, and your vote this coming May, if:

  • YOU believe that thriving, hyper-connected relevant organizations in today's always-on world leverage innovation with leaders who focus on improving lives via product and service development in conjunction with the diversity of views and life experiences of the people behind them...

  • YOU want innovation to provide REALTORS® access to the programs, services and technologies they need to be successful real estate professionals but ones that also take care of the land for future generations...

  • YOU look forward to working side-by-side with a leader whose collective vision and individual purpose not only proudly serves NAR but who is also a business owner whose business-first approach and expansive view of the economy is best positioned to build, shape and advance the REALTOR® organization on all three levels.

Let's unite, shape and advance this great community together!


Encouragement for 2023 


A Leader is Only as Powerful as their Team and Supporters